eljojo.bike 🌍🚴
a person riding a bicycle on a city street

🇳🇱boop :(

2022-06-24 Distance: 13 km Time: 4h 52m (1h moving) Avg. Speed: 12.97 km/h Elevation: 43 m

riding by Amsterdam Centraal I fell off my bike. I’m OK. Unfortunately my bike wasn’t so lucky: some part that connects my rear derailleur broke. Luckily Felix was there, as well as the many locals who came in to help us. People gave me emotional support, directions to a bike shop, and a local shop helped Felix take out the broken part, helped us find stores that may have it, and stored my bike safely overnight. I went to the hospital just in case and my arm is all ok, although my shoulder hurts. Tomorrow we’ll try to find the part and try to keep moving, depending on how the shoulder evolves. Everyone has been so kind i’m so thankful 🥲😭

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map of boop :(

Tour: Eurotour 2022: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands

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